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What does Backup Minder do for me?

Backup Minder is a utility tool to help you manage your important backup files.

Although daily backups are desired in many situations, they can become bulky and cumbersome with the amount of data that is kept. You tell Backup Minder to keep a certain number of the most recent backups. Backup Minder will keep the desired number of backups you set, AND it automatically keeps all backups from the last day of the month. All other backups will be cropped.

Why do you need Backup Minder?

Nobody needs daily backups from 2009! All these backups take up valuable space on your hard drive. But, who wants to do the maintenance of deleting unneeded files?

Backup Minder will automatically keep every backup from the last day of the month in a designated folder as well as the number of most recent backups that you have set.

Do you KNOW that your backups are happening?

Most people set their backups and depend on the computer to perform the backups as they have scheduled. But, do you know that your backups happen? Do you check to make sure that the files exist?

Backup Minder will alert you if a backup file has not been saved within a designated number of days. This gives you the comfort of knowing that your backups exist without actually having to check!

Is it to install and use?

Backup Minder is easy!

Once installed, you only need to tell Backup Minder a couple of things.

  • the folder that your current backups are saved to
  • the new folder that you want Backup Minder to archive to
  • an identifier in the backup file name that Backup Minder can look for
  • the number of the most recent backups you want it to keep
  • the number of days before you want to be notified if no backup has occurred

After that, you are on autopilot. You don't have to do anything else!

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overview.1371963905.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/01 23:08 (external edit)